Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just For *{Tracy Lee}*

I sadly lost one of the sweetest {sparkles} in my life in 2006.... Tracy Lee Nel, my mother. My mom was taken from my family very suddenly after she had a heart attack and my life has never been the same ever since. I have learned to appreciate the smaller things in life & to ALWAYS cherish my friends & family. My mother was a strong, determined, family orientated woman & it makes my heart extremely sad to think of all the wonderful pieces of advice she would still have to offer me. I do however value & will always carry the things that my mom has instilled in my {tiny} heart. I am so grateful for my Father and sister, who inspire me everyday.

When mom was alive it was always such a big thing deciding what to buy her for her birthday. I look back now & realise I had it all wrong. I realise now that it's not about finding the perfect vase or the blender with the most functions or a new handbag----it's about creating memories and spending quality time together. So If my mom was here today, on her special lil birthday.....this is what I would do with her and included is the birthday card I would write. ***

*I would wake my sister and father up and we would tippi-toe to the kitchen, bake my mom cheese scones (she LOVED these) and tea and take her breakfast in bed.
*I would take my mom for a massage and champagne at a pretty lil spa
*I would give my mom hand-picked flowers from our garden
*I would take out old photo's and sit and laugh about old times
*I would spend the whole day making my mom feel special & doing things that she I would have to find a put-put course somewhere and let her win!:)
*I would watch a suspense thriller with my mom...and sleep next to her because I'm so scared!
*I would cook my mom dinner and let her just relax
*I would only go to bed after she has fallen asleep as I would want the day to last as long as it possibly could.xx

Dear Mom,
It's your birthday! Shew-wie, another year gone by!Mom, on your special day I would like to say thank you. Thank you for all the lil things you do for Dad, Angie and I. It's the tiny things you do to make our lives easier that I really appreciate: A packed lunch filled with my favourite things, A cup of tea after school, asking me how my day was, Always running my bathwater for me even though I could easily do it myself, For keeping our house clean and tidy, For listening, For ensuring that we always have what we need, For loving our father and showing Angie and I what a healthy marriage is, For praying with us & tucking us in every night, For being positive and keeping us positive, For always giving your best self, For being yourself and always putting us first.

Thank You from the bottom of my heart. Today is your day mommy, & whatever it is that YOU want to do today we will do. Today is yours. I love you so much mom and I thank The Lord for giving me the best mom out the mom jar :)

 You truly have changed my life in more ways than I could ever tell you. Your example will forever be engraved in my heart & I promise to work hard at achieving a life like yours. Thank you for teaching me to always have faith, to always work hard and to always remember that God has a plan for my life. You are the cleverest, sweetest, most beautiful-----wow you are beautiful!------- person that walks this earth. I hope that your day will be as special as you are. All my love xxx

Pictures: {}

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