H erbs are just magical lil things if you know how to use them correctly! By pairing the right herb with the right dish you will get exceptional results & your friends and family will be dying to know your "secret ingredient".The rewards of growing herbs are far more than with other plants as once you plant a lil herb plant it keeps giving and giving.Instead of just being planted for it's decorative value- a herb plant can also be used for a variety of other purposes such as adding flavour to one's food, curing flu or even getting rid of insects in your home. If you follow these basic instructions, you will be richly rewarded with their lovely aroma's and flavours, plus-herbs are really easy to grow.As I am a renter, I am going to plant my little herb garden in pots...I will be posting pictures soon!***
The ideal site for your lil herb garden is in a sunny, open spot. It is best to build a little shelter around your garden and ensure that the soil is well-drained and has fertile soil. Make sure there are no weeds or overhanging trees. The minimum requirment is four to seven hours of sunlight and ensure that the soil has very good drainage as herbs will not tolerate wet, clay soil.
If you are planting herbs for culinary reasons, like I am, then the little garden should be planted away from possible contamination such as pets, roadside pollution and agricultural sprays.
I personally find litlle herb gardens more appealing, there are however more formal designs based on geometric patterns with paths and hedges.Each bed is then planted with one type of herb resulting in bold blocks of texture & colour.Paving is an essential as you need to be able to get to your herbs to be able to pick them. It is best to lay your pathways in natural, earthy shades such as grey stone, sand or terrecotta bricks.
Tips for Planting:
Prepare the ground and get rid of weeds.Fork in organic matter such as compost or potting soil. Before transplanting herbs out of their pots into the ground, water the pots well and loosen the root ball before planting. Pinch the tips of shrubby herbs such as thyme to encourage them to grow more. If you have decided to use a planting plan first set the herbs in their positions while they are still in their pots- it is easier to move them around like this than to dig them up ecah time! Ensure that they have room around them for groethand once planted firm the soil around the plant gently and finish off by watering the plant thouroughly.
Taking Care of Your New Little Herb Garden:
Water: Water newly planted herbs regularly but once they are established they become drought resistant. Rather give your herbs too litlle water than too much.After a good soaking, allow the water to drain away and the soil to dry off.
Fertilising: This is very important. During the growth season (August to April in the Southern Hemisphere) fertilize at least once a month.Be carefull not to over fertalize your little plants, and try to rather use naturall made compost as much as you can.
Pruning: This is essential to encourage healthy, bushy growth. Remove dead leaves and branches on a regular basis.
Picking your Herbs: Do not cut your herbs randomly Use a sharp knife or scissors to remove branch--do not break them!
Pictures: 1. {flickr.com}2.{theherbgarden.co.za} 3. {property24.com} 4. {deesgifts.co.za} 5. {fotobank.ru}
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