Z enda (My housemate) and I have huge lavender shrubs growing at the back of our lil house. Zenda worries that it is going to take over our garden as it is looking quite unruly at the moment but perhaps if I can find a use for this pretty plant then the lavender can stay. :)
The lavender seems to look after itself so it is really not a fussy plant to have in your garden. It looks pretty too and has a very calming aroma. Here are just a few uses for lavender:
* Lavender flowers be it fresh or dried, emit a strong, uplifting aromatic scent when crushed between ones fingers. For an instant mood lifter crush and roll the flower between your fingers and inhale the scent deeply ans slowly. This combination of calm breathing technique fused with the lavender scent will calm your nerves and eliminate any anxiety and panicky feelings.
* I love tea and am delighted to say that a relaxing, soothing tea can be made from lavender flowers! Simply put one heaped tablespoon of fresh (or dried) lavender flowers in a tea pot, pour boiling water into the pot and let it infuse for about ten minutes. Strain the tea and there you go~ a tea that calms the nerves and induces sleep.
*I like to add a generous handful of the lavender flowers to a bath for a soothing soak. I even sometimes fill the kitchen sink with hot water and throw in a handful of the flowers before a guest comes over for tea and the whole house "magically" smells fresh and pretty.
*Wrap a handful of dried lavender flowers in a little sachet, tie closed and throw in your pillowcase to induce sleep. One can also use a few drops of lavender essential oil for this purpose.
*In the same way, wrap a handful of dried lavender flowers in a sachet, throw it in your dryer and your clothes will smell fantastic! This will last you up to 25 dryer loads. I am sure if one places the sachet between your clothes it will give the same effect.
*Infuse fresh or dried lavender flowers as if to make a tea. But instead of drinking it, let it cool down and use as a hair rinse to reduce dandruff, how neat is that?!
* Pulverized lavender flowers can add a unique and delightful flavor to salads, custards, jams, jellies and cookies. Lavender is a culinary relative to mint, sage, marjoram and thyme and can be used in the same fashion as these herbs. Lavender is so versatile in the kitchen, that virtually any experimentation with it will yield favorable results so go ahead and experiment to your heart's content.
* If you are too scared of using lavender in your food why not place it next to it? I often run outside and pick a few stems of lavender and place them next to ma muffin when a guest comes over for tea, it smells nice, looks pretty and just adds a special touch.
*Lavender is also a wonderful gift, just wrap a few stems, tie with a ribbon and touch someones heart.
*If you do not have fresh lavender, lavender essential oil can be bought from a shop or chemist. This can be applied like a perfume to the hair, neck, ears or other body parts. Also, add a few drops to a bath or your washing to make it smell amazing.
*To soothe a sunburn, add a few drops of the essential oil to water in a spray bottle and mist sunburned skin.
*Apply lavender essential oil to insect bites and stings, cuts, scrapes and abrasions. Lavender is very anti-septic and helps destroy germs that can cause infections, so not just a pretty lil flower but a healing one at that!
*Lavender is being used more and more at weddings, lavender in champagne glasses, as decor and now instead of throwing confetti throw a lovely smelling handful of lavender.***
Pictures: 1. {stresslessinlasvegas.com} 2&3. {primadonnabride.co.za} 4. {perfectday.co.za} 5. {realsimple.com}